Anticipating an eye-opening adventure this year, we committed to going on and preparing for a medical mission to Vietnam. We were humbled blessed by our friends and church family who supported in us in going to Vietnam for two weeks in October and November. We went with a team from our church, Cornerstone Christian Fellowship. This was Jenny’s first time out of the western world and the first overseas missions trip for both of us. Andrew worked to meet the technology needs of the team and even got to play optometrist. Jenny worked alongside Andrew in optometry and enjoyed getting to serve in patient intake and pharmacy clinics. Our time in Vietnam opened our eyes to importance of what is happening in the hearts of the people there, far beyond any of the physical needs we attempted to meet with our medical care. It was a busy and tiring trip and one of the most life changing and rewarding adventures we have had! Our hearts for taking a more hands-on part in missions work have been ignited. We are eager to see what happens next as we pursue Jesus’ heart in seeking and saving the lost.
We are thankful for how God continues to provide abundantly for us. Andrew is steadily employed in his 9th year at Microsoft and Jenny is considering an offer from a company she has been enjoying working at in Seattle. In our home, also known as Hotel Jendrew or the Ma Daycare, we have had the joy and privilege of hosting a multitude of visitors and guests. We love having company in our home as we learn to be generous stewards of all we have been given. Our rabbits, Stewie and Sammy, are also still hoppily living their bunny lives in the garage. We are both helpers in a Sunday school class at Cornerstone. Andrew is also putting some of his talents to work on the web/technology team and involved in the men’s ministry. Jenny enjoyed directing the bi-annual children’s choir for Easter and Christmas and learning the ropes as a new leader in both the youth ministry and an after-school program at a nearby middle school. She is also encouraged by her involvement with the women’s ministry.
Most recently, our extended family grew – we are the proud uncle and aunt of our first nephew! Conor Rhys Ma was born to Andrew’s brother Kenny and his wife Clarissa on December 12th here in Seattle. We are excited to get to know the little guy as we spend time together and he grows. May the gifts of life and community bless you this year!
Love, Andrew & Jenny Ma (+ Stewie & Sammy, 6 years old)