March 2013 Photos

January 2013 photos and videos

This year has brought along some nice sunny days to enjoy and we’re so thankful! It’s been fun to watch Timothy continue to thrive in our daily routine and outings during the week. I enjoy our reading times together and really hope he learns to love to read. He is a pro at sitting up now (he even sat still as Andrew took his passport photo recently!). Since the first week of February, he is starting to scoot across rooms, albeit at a pretty slow place. It was amazing to me how quickly he went from turning circles on his tummy and sliding backwards, to scooting forward in just about a week’s time. It’s been such a blessing to learn to appreciate this stage of our baby boy’s development and days have definitely been flying by faster as we play together more.

Cute elements of Timothy’s personality are starting to emerge now and we’ve been appreciating how he is an overall calm and easygoing baby. We’ve also noticed that (much like his Papa), he is  interested in and excited around furry animals; especially the dogs he’s met thus far. So much so that one may even wonder if rescuing a big dog is in the (distant!) future for our family! 😉 We’ve tried to capture some of his growth and smiles during play times in these photos and videos from January.


Very excited for Haley the golden retriever!

Petting Stewie rabbit

Timothy blowing his lips

Playing peek-a-boo with Mama

Thoughts from this new mama

The past 5 months with Timothy haven’t exactly flown by, but it’s been full of learning and so much fun at times. They say you can never be fully ready for motherhood (or marriage!) and I’m definitely feeling that truth. Nothing – not even the poor sleep towards the end of the pregnancy – could have prepared me for the tiredness I feel on some days. On the other hand, no amount of time spent with other children I absolutely adore could compare to the amazing thrill of watching our son grow and enjoy life!

The call of motherhood has been challenging for me, and this is only the beginning! Not being able to freely do things I used to take for granted (like long showers) has made me face my prideful and selfish desires for productivity and comfort, and caused me to repent more and run to the cross of Christ. Scripture, biblical books on parenting, and articles like this one are especially nourishing for my wayward soul in this new season.

Friends have asked me if being a mama is what I’d hoped/imagined. I’ve had to respond with the fact that it’s been far more sanctifying than I’d expected! Like marriage, I realize it’s so worthwhile it because it helps me understand God’s grace better. I’m so grateful for an incredibly patient and gracious husband I have in Andrew. I appreciate being able to be at home to raise Timothy, even though some days feel difficult.

Enough of my rambling – here are some pictures from my phone, taken this last month. We hope you are well and able to stay and warm this season, especially our family and friends out east where superstorm Sandy hit this week. Thank you for viewing our family blog!